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How a fan with fake credential snuck into press conference, walked out with Conor McGregor

How Zac Alsop managed to join Conor McGregor's crew for the walk-out at the London press conference.

Youtuber Zac Alsop is a rebel and no stranger to sneaking into major sporting events. This week, he managed to copy a promoter and press credential for the Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor press conference in London.

Alsop passed himself off as an Olympian and joined the Great Britan women's hockey team and modern pentathletes during a celebratory parade in Manchester last year.

He didn't stop at just getting ringside and watching the event. He went as far as joining McGregor's crew for the walk-out.

Watch his video below (viewer's discretion is advised for language):

He proved that if you walk with confidence, you can get anywhere.