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Pirates Pitcher Broke the Brains of Many MLB Fans With This Ridiculous ‘Unicorn’ Pitch

Pirates pitcher Dauri Moreta has been throwing one of the coolest pitches in baseball this season and even he doesn’t know how he does it or what it should be called.

He threw one of those beauties for a called third strike against the Padres on Tuesday and it left baseball fans wondering what they had just seen. 

Here’s how he described the pitch earlier this year to

“They say, ‘How do you throw that slider?’ I say, ‘I don’t know. I just throw it. [Then] they say, ‘That’s not a slider. We need to find a new name for that pitch. I grip it like a normal slider and throw it like a normal slider. I don’t know why my slider moves like that. It’s something I can’t answer right now.”

Here’s what it looked like the other night: 


MLB fans were in awe: