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Tour de France to receive digital infrastructure upgrades

The Tour de France just got a whole lot easier to track and watch. With the creation of Race Center, from Dimension Data and Amaury Sport Organization (A.S.O.), viewers can track race data, video, social media feeds combined with a live tracking website. Race Center runs on Dimension Data’s cloud platform and was created in partnership with A.S.O., a group that organizes sporting events such as the Tour de France.

Many of the tracking devices were tested during last year’s Tour de France and are now production ready with more data analysis and improvements on the previous technology. Adam Foster, Dimension Data’s Group Executive said in a press release, “The enhancements to this year’s solutions means we can tell richer and more enhanced stories as they happen, giving viewers, the media, cycling fans and race commentators deeper insights into some aspects of the sport that weren’t available until now.” Viewers can find more sophisticated information during a race, like profiles of riders and teams and information on their speed, distance between riders, and weather conditions.

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The new technology offered is available because Dimension Data’s big data has upgraded and expanded to allow for race coordination, data capture, better graphics and analytics. The Tour de France executives are excited about the new technology as it allows viewers to analyze and access content through media they use everyday. Christian Prudhomme, Director of the Tour de France said, “I believe the appeal of having access to multiple real-time video, social media and live race information from one responsive and intuitive interface will greatly enhance the quality of coverage of the Tour de France, and become and essential companion to the largest live televised event in the world.”

With more and more emphasis being placed on engaging users on social media it is important that the Tour de France is attempting to increase viewership and interest through the online world.