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Meet the Gators, College Football's Patriots: Campus Clicks

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Recent Campus Clicks 11-10-08: Calling John Parker Wilson 11-07-08: Nick Satan Returns 11-06-08: Facebook Your Heisman Hopeful 11-05-08: The Vols need Megan Fox 11-04-08: Cast Your (BCS) Vote 11-03-08: USC's Iron Will 10-31-08: Some Spooky-Good Clicks 10-30-08: The CFB Pop Culture Playoff 10-29-08: Colt, Texas Ranger 10-28-08: The End of an Undie Era 10-27-08: Get your Colt McCoy Pajamas 10-24-08: Stay Away From the Big House 10-23-08: The Sooner Schooner Rolls 10-22-08: Hating the Rich Rod Haters 10-21-08: Kicking the Family Jewels 10-20-08: The 10 Least Intimidating College Mascots

Mini Me

Tim Tebow's college football's closest thing to Tom Brady. :: Sam Greenwood/Getty : Damian Strohmeyer/SI

We have a sneaking suspicion that you, like us, spend most of Saturday watching college football, and then most of Sunday watching the NFL. For all the "one's better than the other" banter, most of us love them both. Familiarity breeds contempt, but it also breeds comparisons, and that's why Bleacher Report's finding the NFL counterpart for college football's best teams. Texas Tech's just like New Orleans (because Graham Harrell and Drew Brees penetrate defenses at will), Penn State's just like Atlanta (because despite their successes, people keep waiting for them to fail) and Florida's just like New England (because, duh, Superman Tim Tebow's the closest thing college football has to Superman Tom Brady).

Keep the Votes Coming

It's time for Round 2 of OSF's virtual BCS playoff, so head on over and vote. We've got to say, judging by this second slate of matchups (Florida-Ohio State, USC-Alabama, Texas-Texas Tech and Oklahoma-Penn State) these kids seem to have crafted a pretty solid system.

Dumb Arrest of the Day

Police busted Malik Alvin, a Binghamton basketball player and the late, great Walter Payton's cousin, for jacking 36 Trojan Magnum condoms from a local store in the middle of the afternoon. Pretty dumb, considering most university health centers constantly dish out free prophylactics and rejoice in song while doing so. Though, perhaps Alvin just wanted all the ladies out there to know he wears Magnums, in which case, we say it was a rather savvy PR move.

The People Have Spoken (Sort of)

The LSU Golden Girls are always a crowd (and blog) pleaser. :: Bob Rosato/SI

The Love of Sports has proven once and for all the easy way isn't always the right way. Typically, cheer rankings reflect little more than a sole blogger's whims and fancies. TLS's top 20 hottest collegiate cheerleading squad ranking, however, is really the people's list, the definitive word on who's hot, and who's even hotter. That's because scribe John Gormanaggregated and weighed all the cheerleader rankings he could find in an effort to turn many instances of subjectivity into one instance of objectivity. The winner? LSU (though SIOC alum Andy Gray can rest easy knowing Oregon still cracked the top three).

Bruce Pearl, Ladies Man

Sure, the lovely lady next to Bruce Pearl seems to be wearing a wedding ring, so these photos are probably completely innocent. But as Intentional Foul knows, that's no reason to resist celebrating the Tennessee coach's incredible knack for ending up next to attractive females (students and non-students alike) in photos destined for blog-fame.

Grab Your Textbooks and Your C-Spot

Speaking of love and lust and provocative (intentionally or otherwise) photos, Columbia University students recently launched an erotic magazine and they're hoping the publication, aptly dubbed C-Spot, will fill a void on the "sexually unexpressive" Ivy League campus. We fully support this new endeavor, but we have to ask how sexually unexpressive a school can be when it's located in Manhattan and has this many notable celebrity alums.

Get in on Movember

Thanks to College OTR and those kind and innovative Australians, you can walk around campus with your scraggly beard intact and feel nothing but proud.

Recommencing Weis Watch

Charlie Weis just found out what happens when an underperforming Notre Dame team lays an egg against an inferior Boston College squad: Playing Navy actually becomes a big deal.

Pop Culture Nugget

It would have been a real shame if Chinese Democracy earned anything less than four-stars after taking approximately 647 years to produce.

Today In Hot Clicks

Jaguars cheerleader :: Sam Greenwood/Getty Images

"Cheerleader Effect" ... Top NCAA cheerleaders ... Dallas Cowboys as "Major League" characters ... Fed up Bengals, Raiders fans ... Actresses lists ... Video: Cheerleader accidents ... Dumb voter.

Odds and Ends

Playmate Kelly Carrington's visiting USC tonight ... Some tips for all you winter grads looking for your first job ... Scott Wolf is still having more fun than you ... Baylor University just gave a dog an honorary degree.

Ribs, Meet Helmet

This is why you need to teach your Little Giant some juke moves.

Dunkin' Dukie

You rarely see a true 360 degree dunk during a game, but that's the beauty of a Duke-Presbyterian matchup.

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