Brain on Sports podcast: New Year’s resolutions for the youth sports world

Megan Bartlett of Up2Us Sports joins the show to discuss youth sports and the areas in which coaches, parents and players can strive to improve in the coming year.
Brain on Sports podcast: New Year’s resolutions for the youth sports world
Brain on Sports podcast: New Year’s resolutions for the youth sports world /

“This is Your Brain on Sports” is a weekly podcast from Sports Illustrated in which SI executive editor Jon Wertheim and Tufts University psychology professor Sam Sommers explore the intersection of sports and human nature—what the world of sports has to teach us about who we are, what we care about and the forces that shape our behavior.

On this week’s episode, Sommers talks with Megan Bartlett of Up2Us Sports about youth sports and the areas in which coaches, parents and players can strive to improve in the coming year, touching on issues such as increased specialization, how coaches communicate and how the pressure to win within youth leagues has changed.

Listen below, subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or on Stitcher, and check back every week for a new episode.
