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Report: Jack Warner faces $50 million lawsuit by CONCACAF

Jack Warner is being sued for more than $50 million by CONCACAF.
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Former FIFA vice president Jack Warner is being sued for more than $50 million by CONCACAF, according to

The latest allegations claim that Warner and his wife conspired to steal a multi-million dollar FIFA-funded facility in Trinidad. The facility was built on property that was owned by Warner. The property ownership was not discovered until his successor Jeffrey Webb took over after Warner resigned from his post with CONCACAF in 2011.

Warner was banned for life by FIFA in September 2015 but continues to deny any wrongdoing. Warner is one of several former FIFA officials who were indicted and charged with racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering conspiracies by the United States in May 2015.

Warner remains in Trinidad as he challenges his extradition to the U.S.