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Watch: Tom Brady's newest mobile phone service 'endorsement' leaked!

By now, you've probably heard that Tom Brady’s most recently destroyed cell phone has been intercepted by The Cauldron. Wait, you didn’t? Congratulations on being Amish, I guess?

No big deal. Here’s your chance to get in the know.

Check out the prospective first-ever commercial for "Tom-Mobile," a new cellular service that allows you, the customer, to upgrade your phone whenever you want. You can literally drop your phone into the urinal again and again, and this company will keep churning ‘em out for you. No questions asked. Ever.

For more, read the Cauldron’s explosive exposé to find out more about Touchdown Tom’s latest endorsement venture, and for some rare 'behind-the-scenes access' to Robert Kraft, Ben Affleck and Rob Gronkowski.

You’re welcome.
