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Jose Canseco says comets are 'the key to our survival'

Former MLB slugger Jose Canseco is very excited about NASA's recent successful mission to put the Philae lander on a comet, calling the celestial bodies "the key to our survival."

Former MLB slugger Jose Canseco is very excited about NASA's successful mission to put the Philae lander on a comet, calling the celestial bodies "the key to our survival."

It seems Canseco has big plans for the human race in regards to the space rocks, saying that they will open up travel to other planets and finally catch us up with the universe's other denizens who are big believers in comets.

Between Curt Schilling's recent biology lesson, and Canseco's mastery of astronomy, maybe we should just close all the schools and follow former MLB players on Twitter instead.

Brendan Maloy