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The Elijah Fisher Blog: Back on the Court, Baylor Offer, 'Last Chance U'

Fisher saw his first action in nine months after COVID paused Canadian high school basketball for the season.

Elijah Fisher is on a shortlist to claim “top sophomore in the country” with the early NBA Draft buzz that accompanies the hype. This season he’s averaging 30 points and 14 rebounds a game at Crestwood Prep College (Toronto) after pumping in 35 points and 15 rebounds a game last summer with Grassroots Elite (Canada). Now, Fisher has agreed to give SI All-American exclusive access into his world by chronicling everything from intimate details about his recruitment to his everyday life in a blog.

What’s up guys, it’s Elijah Fisher back at you with another Sport Illustrated blog.

I just came back home from traveling from Charlotte to Cincinnati to Dayton for different tournaments. On one hand I’m just happy to have finally gotten the chance to play again, but I felt like we could’ve played better to be honest.

I knew we’d all be a little rusty because none of us have played for about nine months. Canada schools haven’t been allowed to play in COVID, so it’s been rough!

I played OK, but not to my standard at all. I feel like I’m my own worst critic, so I analyze everything that I do way more than anyone else.

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I stay hard on myself because I want to be the best.

AAU is coming up soon so I can’t wait to get back out there. I’m not sure of the exact dates, but we’re all hoping that we don’t have any pauses anymore.

What I saw at those tournaments was how much easier it was to score the ball, so my hard work is paying off. I just like to stay in rhythm, so I want those reps.

I just need to play!

I’ve always said that I think I’m the No. 1 player in the class of 2023, but I just let whoever think what they want. I feel like they forget about me because I’m in Canada not able to play with the pandemic.

I feel like it’s a little disrespectful, but it’s fine; whoever they put on the pedestal I’ll see them at some point, and I’ll prove it on the court.

Recruitment has been slow with March kicking in and everything. My most recent offer was from Baylor, and that was big because I love their style and how tough they are. That’s how I play too.

They’re having a great season and have a real chance to win it all!

I’m thankful for all of my offers and definitely want to earn more this spring and summer.

I’m still doing online school right now, and I’m handling that really well. I have all A’s and a couple of B’s in my classes so I’m reaching my goals in the classroom too.

Other than that, I’m still hanging out with my family a lot, just enjoying this time we all have together. That’s been the blessing of COVID, just being able to spend that quality time together. I’m always traveling for basketball, so this has been the best part.

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I watched Last Chance U recently too. I thought it was really interesting and it’s an eye-opener. I know a lot of people that have had to go JUCO and they always tell me how hard it is.

It makes me want to work harder, honestly.

It’s definitely something I think all high school players should watch. It’s real!

OK, that’s it for now, I appreciate you guys reading my blog and make sure you come back soon for another update.

Be safe out there.

Don’t forget to follow Elijah Fisher:

Instagram: iamelijahfisher

Twitter: @iamelijahfisher