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This Day in Sports 100 Years Ago: April 28, 1914 'Umpire Shuster's Popular Like Smallpox'

via The Library of Congress

via The Library of Congress

This day in sports 100 years ago, The Tacoma Times laid an epic burn on umpire named Mr. Shuster that still resonates to this day. As the less than subtle article put it:

One Mr. Shuster officiated as umpire yesterday. That is, he claimed to be an umpire. Both Bobby Coltrin and Frank Guigat of Portland assured him that this was a terrible mistake, and that he was undoubtedly the much-sought who held up the Interurban train some time ago. Even so, Mr. Shuster may be a good umpire, but his work on the field gives no indication that this is a fact.


Library of Congress