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Spanish paper Marca appears to edit Big House to show more Madrid fans

After the Manchester United vs. Real Madrid match — one which prominently featured a majority of fans sporting United's famous red kits — broke the US record for soccer attendance at the Big House in Ann Arbor, Michigan on Saturday, Spanish newspaper Marca apparently was apparently none too happy with the Madrid turnout.

As a result, in its effort to relay the event to its readers across the pond, Marca appears to have been a little trigger-happy with Photoshop, as the once-vast sea of red in the image was replaced with a more neutral white (which just so happened to be the color of Real's kits on Saturday.)

Considering Real Madrid is the wealthiest sports franchise in the world — with an estimated worth valued at $3.44 billion — and the breadth of the club's fandom, it seems rather insecure to fabricate representation at a preseason friendly some 4,000 miles away.

Real Madrid could have used the extra support, though, as United won 3-1. For shame, Photoshop fans, for shame.
