Horace Grant: Michael Jordan punched Will Perdue for setting illegal pick

Former Chicago Bulls forward Horace Grant appeared on New York's HOT97 radio station recently and talk of course turned to his old teammate Michael Jordan, and Grant shared a previously unheard story of Michael Jordan's fiery nature in practice.
Grant told the hosts the story of when Jordan had enough of an illegal screen being set by center Will Perdue in practice.
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“I hate to tell the story but Will and I are still good friends… Typical Phil (Jackson) we run this play and Will set an illegal pick on MJ, and MJ said,’Will, don’t do that again.’ ‘Whatcha talking about’ that’s Will. MJ says alright; Phil says run it again. So naturally we run it two more times, illegal pick. MJ walks up to Will — boom. Lit him up. It was over; we grabbed Will — you’re not going to hurt MJ. MJ can take care of himself. The next day on the plane, Will gets on with this huge shiner.”
Grant said punches being thrown in practice were not uncommon for the team, and stories have previously emerged of Jordan throwing down with Steve Kerr and Jud Buechler, according to Pro Basketball Talk.
- Brendan Maloy