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Georgia Tech coach Josh Pastner won’t hire golfers

Josh Pastner is not interested in his assistants wasting time on a golf course.

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There is only room in Josh Pastner’s life for one sport and that is basketball, and he wants to know that his coaches feel the same way.

For this reason the newly hired Georgia Tech coach recently revealed that he refuses to hire any assistants who play golf, according to a recent interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“My first question to anyone I (might) hire is, ‘Do you golf?'” Pastner said this week. “If they say, ‘Yes,' you can't work for me, because that means five hours on a Sunday or on a Saturday. Can't. Don't want it. That's for my assistant coaches. Any of my assistant coaches, if they're golfers, not working for me.” 

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Pastner went on to say he would allow them to attend a golf based fundraiser or charity event, but was not interested in his assistants wasting their time on the links.

[CBS Sports]