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Hoodie from Brad Ausmus’s meltdown sells for $5,010

The sweatshirt and hat Brad Ausmus left on the field after being ejected from a Tigers game this month were auctioned off for $5,010.

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Earlier this month, Brad Ausmus lost control of his temper while arguing balls and strikes as the Tigers took on the Twins, and after being ejected from the game by umpire Doug Eddings, the manager decided to leave a memento on the field so everyone would remember him while he was gone.

The Detroit skipper took off his team sweatshirt and placed it over home plate in one of the more creative manager meltdowns in recent memory.

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After the clothing was removed from the dish, the Tigers decided to turn the incident into a positive by auction the sweatshirt, and the hat Ausmus flung after it, to raise money for the Tiny Tigers T-ball program.

It seems a sweatshirt covered in dirt and Brad Ausmus’s rage spittle is quite a valuable thing, as the item brought in an impressive $5,010 for charity.

[NBC Sports]

– Brendan Maloy