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Warriors fans are turning to Patriots fans for help after loss

Golden State fans sought shelter from the barrage of Crying Jordan faces being thrown their way in the Patriots subreddit, asking how to best handle the onslaught of emotions they are now facing.

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Seeing your team lose is hard, seeing them lose in Game 7 of the Finals is even harder, and apparently seeing them lose after a historic season is a level of shame and sadness that is requiring them to seek out mourning tips. That's why Warriors fans are reaching out to some of the only other fans that know their pain: supporters of the 16–0 2007 New England Patriots.

Golden State fans sought shelter from the barrage of Crying Jordan faces being thrown their way in the Patriots subreddit, asking how to best handle the onslaught of emotions they are now facing.

Warriors fan here, how do I cope with an unbelievable downfall? from Patriots

Pats fans, how did you get over the 2007 loss? from Patriots

Question from a Golden State Warriors fan from Patriots

Warriors fan here from Patriots

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The New England fans were not interested in sharing in their misery though.

To all Warriors fans coming in here from Patriots


I guess the best way to get over a heartbreaking loss is to get on the internet and start being mean to people.