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The inside story (and comeback story) of Penfold Golf

Penfold Golf became an iconic brand after it was featured in the James Bond film, Goldfinger. Then it disappeared. Here's the story of how it's coming back to life.

In this week's episode of Behind the Brand, host Paul Liberatore interviews Gavin Perret, co-founder of Penfold Golf. Penfold became an iconic brand after it was featured in Ian Fleming’s James Bond story and film Goldfinger. Back then, the Penfold "heart" golf ball used and identified by 007 (Sean Connery) became an iconic brand in the world of golf. But then in the early 1980s, it just ... disappeared. But today, like a phoenix, Penfold Golf is coming back with a vengeance, and "Behind the Brand" brings you the story behind that resurgence.

Watch the video above, or hit the play button below to listen to the episode. And look for more new episodes of "Behind the Brand" coming soon to the Morning Read Podcast Network.