Golden Tate Takes G/FORE’s New Golf Shoe for a Whirl

They say consistency is key. That's why my long-time motto, "Look Good, Feel Good, Play Good, Pay Good” from my days on the gridiron has followed me to the tee box.
The G.112s are exceptional-looking shoes that offer a wide range of options, including two-tone and monochromatic designs. These cleats complement almost every golf style out there. As someone with a diverse golf wardrobe, ranging from knickerbockers to shirts adorned with pimento cheese sandwiches, I value having options. Whether you prefer a clean, poppy, basic, old school, or trendsetting look, I believe there is a shoe within this G/FORE line for every golfer.
The @gfore G.112s are here! I had the chance to get an early look and test run ⛳️ these beauties for my official @SInow review. Shop 20+ colors at NOW! #G112 #GoldenSealOfApproval #golfshoe #sportsillustrated
— Golden Tate (@ShowtimeTate) June 20, 2023
Since I unboxed a pair, my wife was kind enough to let me rock them in our bed. Yes, I opted to wear golf cleats to bed instead of slippers because these shoes are insanely comfortable. I'll never forget the first time I tried a G/FORE cleat—it reminded me of standing on top of bubble wrap that wouldn't pop. Its insoles are true game-changers, considering I spend a lot of time on my feet, whether I'm chasing kids or golf balls.

My former coach once told me, "It doesn't matter where we play—your place, my place, in the parking lot, on turf, on grass—we are battle-tested and prepared." Well, that oddly describes the G112s. I've tested these shoes in various conditions on the golf course, from chilly and damp mornings to the warmest parts of the day. They have performed phenomenally in each situation, except for snow (stand by for that).
I've tried these shoes out in just about every condition you could possibly encounter on the golf course, and they consistently deliver lofty performance.
● I love that they are lightweight.
● I won’t lie. My swing speed is fast, so I need max stability and turf traction. The G.112s deliver. Period.

While the main function of these cleats is for the golf course, they have proven to be multifunctional for my wife and me. We ran errands, had lunch, and even chased our little ones around the house while wearing these shoes. We had forgotten that we had golf cleats on, which makes them not only logical but functional in practically any environment. Listed at $225, they are well worth the price.
No matter if you're a club pro or a weekend golfer, you can trust that this new line of shoes will not let you down in any conditions. They are versatile and comfortable.
And the variety is stunning — from Clover (green) to Twilight (navy). For men, there are 20 colors available, 6 for women, and 4 unisex styles.
G/FOREs engineers and designers should be commended for giving this shoe a premium look and feel. From their colorful gloves to its "Pray for Birdies" gear, G/FORE truly stands in a league of its own. It's no surprise that the brand has successfully connected golf and lifestyle.