Waiter Accused of Denying Bruce Maxwell Service Says A's Catcher Is Lying

The Alabama waiter who Bruce Maxwell said denied to serve him at a restaurant for kneeling during the national anthem says the Oakland A's catcher is lying about what happened.
Matt Henry reached out to Fox News and says the entire incident is actually because he asked for the identification for one of the members of Maxwell's party who ordered a beer, but would not give it to him because the identification was expired.
“He is outright lying. This is really upsetting as he was given full service, I didn’t even know who Bruce Maxwell was," Harvey said to Hollie McKay of Fox News.
Henry says that Maxwell was joined by councilman Devyn Keith and another man, and of the three, only Maxwell could provide valid identification to get a drink. Henry says he told the men he couldn't serve them without valid identification because he had a friend lose a job 15 years ago for serving an underage person, so Henry's policy is, "if anyone looks under 30, I'm going to card them."
• Bruce Maxwell's Mother Speaks Out
Maxwell had a different account of what happened. He said the waiter recognized him for being the only MLB player to kneel during the anthem, and then said that he voted for Donald Trump and supported his views and would not serve them, so Keith had to ask the manager of the restaurant to get them a new server.
The manager who was working at the time backed Henry's story.
“Matt came to me and told me that a guy wanted a beer but his ID was not valid and told him he absolutely could not give it to him, we can go to jail for that in the state of Alabama," Anne Whalen said to Fox News. "It was his friend causing all the fuss, none of us even knew who this baseball player was. I told him I had no idea who he was going on about. Eventually Matt just asked if we could put another server on the table so I did. … I can’t believe the story.”
The A's denied to comment when asked by Fox News and added that Maxwell stands by his previous account of what happened and will not be doing more interviews at this time.