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In the latest edition of "Parents Acting Like Complete and Utter Fools While Embarrassing Themselves at a Youth Sports Event" we find ourselves heading out to Lakewood, Colo. for a youth baseball game.

How old are these youth in this game you ask? Well, they are seven. Remember that when we get to the video.

Because somehow, a game between seven-year-olds featuring a 13-year-old umpire required parents to climb out the stands and onto the field, according to Kieran Nicholson of The Denver Post.

Parents and coaches got into an argument and the teenage umpire got roped in, police spokesman John Romero told The Post. From there, chaos ensued.

So, this all happened on a Saturday. At an elementary school. Before noon.

Jesus, help us all, not just those trashy people fighting at an elementary school baseball field.

How can any game involving seven-year-olds that is taking place before noon at a location where people can't bring alcohol lead to this before noon?

Hopefully, the goon in the teal shorts who went for a sucker punch to the back of the head gets reprimanded very soon. And as punishment, he should have to fill in for the 13-year-old ump because there can't be any better justice than having to deal with people as absurd and obnoxious as these parents.