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Nine NFL GMs Under the Most Pressure to Nail the 2023 Draft

What happens over three days in late April will have a profound impact across the league, especially for those making the picks for the Lions, Cardinals, Texans and Colts.

The idea that any one moment in a general manager’s tenure can make or break their tour of duty is a bit of a fallacy. The GM’s seat is so different from any other position in the football hierarchy, as much about politics and the ability to explain certain decisions that were made, or not made, during a critical period of time as picking or trading players. There are great GMs who were dismissed unceremoniously because they were bad corporate suits. There are terrible GMs who still walk their halls today, waiting to disappoint their fan base all over again.

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That said, there are certainly moments that follow general managers around. While this has nothing to do with the draft, it’s likely fair to say that whatever happens on the Aaron Rodgers front will ultimately steer Joe Douglas’s future in Florham Park. We can debate and weigh the merits of the positive, such as the incredible 2022 draft in which the Jets netted the offensive and defensive rookies of the year, versus whatever happens to Rodgers and whether that venture can be considered a success.

So when we say general managers are facing a make-or-break draft, we don’t mean if they screw this up they’re gone. There are some first-year general managers on this list, after all. But we do mean that, when they are (eventually) gone, this could be a moment we look back on and say, “Here’s the moment it can all be traced back to.”