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Steelers Add Seven New Pups to the Roster

Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger welcomed seven new members of his family on Sunday.

PITTSBURGH -- As everyone finished cleaning their 4th of July celebrations, toss the final few solo cups into the trash and emptying the left over bowls of chips, Ben Roethlisberger dropped a bomb of cuteness on the internet. 

The Steelers quarterback doesn't run his own social media accounts, but the person behind the tweets gave everyone the picture they didn't know they were looking for. 

Number seven added seven new puppies to his family - talk about brand recognition. The picture grabbed the attention of every Steelers fan with a Twitter account, and is still worth talking about. 

The quarterback is known for living "in the country," so maybe the Roethlisbergers stick it out with all seven additions to the household. If not, I'm sure he'll have some excited fans looking to adopt a new German Shepard from their favorite NFL passer.

Noah Strackbein is a Senior Writer with AllSteelers. Follow Noah on Twitter @NoahStrack, and AllSteelers @si_steelers.