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Arena Football team wants to sign Tim Tebow

If he can't find any NFL work, Arena Football awaits. (Rich Schultz/Getty Images)

If he can't find any NFL work, Arena Football awaits. (Rich Schultz/Getty Images)

Tim Tebow is still on the Jets roster for now, but he will undoubtedly be released soon. Not one NFL team has expressed interest in taking Tebow, not even his hometown Jaguars.

If Tebow can't find a new team, Orlando Predators owner Brett Bouchy is ready to sign him.

"Tim would certainly want to first exhaust his opportunities in the NFL, but we'd love to have him," Orlando Predators owner Brett Bouchy told the Orlando Sentinel. "I think he would definitely improve as a quarterback in our league."

Tebow wouldn't be the first NFL QB to try Arena Football. Kurt Warner spent three years with the Iowa Barnstormers before signing with an NFL team.

"Kurt Warner told me once that when he got back to the NFL after playing in the Arena League, the NFL game was like slow motion," said Bouchy. "Everything in the Arena League is just so much faster and quicker and predicated on accuracy. Whenever Tim is willing, we have a contract waiting for him to sign."