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Embattled Toronto mayor Rob Ford attends CFL playoff game

Toronto mayor Rob Ford recently admitted to smoking crack cocaine. (AP)

Toronto mayor Rob Ford recently admitted to smoking crack cocaine. (AP)

Embattled Toronto mayor Rob Ford attended the Argonauts' Canadian Football League playoff game Sunday in Toronto -- despite a request by the CFL commissioner that he stay away, according to the Associated Press.

Ford, who recently admitted to smoking crack cocaine and drinking excessively in a series of outlandish press conferences, made his way into the Roger Centre shortly after halftime accompanied by two security staffers. Ford's face has been plastered on newspapers, tabloids and websites for months and was soon recognized, causing a commotion in Section 129 that included fans clogging the aisle as they snapped photos of the mayor and shook his hand.

Ford wasn't attempting to blend into the crowd, wearing a dark blue Toronto Argonauts jersey with "Mayor Ford" and the number 12 across the back.

Ford reportedly laughed and drew cheers as he held aloft a crudely constructed replica of the Grey Cup, Canadian football's championship trophy. The winner of the Eastern Division final will advance to the Grey Cup.

Ford wore the same Argonauts jersey during his controversial press conference on Thursday, prompting CFL commissioner Mark Cohon to respond.

"I know he's a big football fan," Cohon said Thursday morning. "That's his choice to wear that jersey. What I'm focused on is our games on Sunday and the Grey Cup the following week."

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