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Smoking in Casinos Could Contribute to the Spread of COVID-19

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Smoking in casinos has been a longstanding issue. Some have banned smoking entirely, while others have designated areas. But now that some casinos are taking extreme measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the time to completely ban smoking cigarettes could be now. Smokers have to remove masks from their face, constantly put their fingers near or around their mouth, and according to medical professionals are more likely to cough. Sports Illustrated’s gambling analyst Frank Taddeo says casinos should consider banning smoking in casinos if not for the health of non-smokers but for the health of all gamblers to combat the spread of COVID-19.

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Bill Enright: Now that Las Vegas casinos have reopened since the closure of the coronavirus pandemic, Many people are asking whether or not smoking should be banned going forward? Let's bring on Las Vegas resident and Sports Illustrated's gambling analyst, Frank Taddeo, for the latest, Frank, what are people saying about smoking inside casinos?

Frank Taddeo: Yeah. Bill, as we know right now, as we see Vegas and a lot of other casinos around the country begin to open up. They're trying to make visitors feel safe that they can and they won't be at risk once they travel back to the properties. However, Bill the one thing that they're doing right now, they're missing one important implementation, and that would be the ban on smoking. Smoking could easily spread the coronavirus. Not only because of the need to remove your mask but because of the smoker's likely pattern or fingers to mouth as well as to the game. Each gambler is looking to actually be taking part in. Many doctors and experts, Bill, on record, expressing that smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke can lead to coughing, which in turn, as we know, seems to aid in the spread of the infection. And unfortunately, it seems like the casino operators don't appear to fully have the interests of both their guests and employees at the center of their newly implemented changes. If they do Bill, now is the time for them to play the hand that's being dealt and push all those chips to the middle. If you flip on any television station right now or any song in any of the local establishments, all you are told is to avoid touching surfaces other people have touched and not to touch your mouth or your nose or your eyes. In casinos, gamblers are continuously touching cards, chips, dice and especially money. It's unfair to expect that any of those people can now be safe with that kind of action still being allowed to continue. If the focus of state officials is truly on the health and safety of the public. Then there are the directives they have to make them now that demand the casinos in every state bill become smoke-free.

Bill Enright: Another great story, Frank. We appreciate your reporting. You can find more of Frank's gambling today articles by going to si/com/gambling.