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UCF's Tacko Fall, on His Knees, Appears As Tall As VCU Player

If you didn't think Tacko Fall was tall before, this photo is sure to quickly remind you.

UCF's 7'6" center Tacko Fall went viral on Friday morning after dwarfing CBS sideline reporter Tracy Wolfson, who's 5'2", in a pregame photo. On Friday night, during the Knights' first-round matchup against VCU, Fall went viral once again, when his towering height rivaled that of an opponent. Except... Fall was on knees.

Fall was underneath the basket when Rams guard Marcus Evans was photographed next him. Evans is a respectable 6'2" and in just about any other circle off the court would be considered a man of decent stature.

Of course, next to Fall, just about anyone on the face of the planet would appear to look small, whether he's standing or not.