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Eagles Offensive Lineman Had $225K Stolen From Him By a Parking Lot Attendant

Drew Hallowell/Getty Images

New York Giants v Philadelphia Eagles

Who among us hasn't scanned through our checking account, seen curious charges, and been convinced we were the victims of fraud? Well, Eagles guard Todd Herremans, apparently. The offensive lineman allegedly had a couple hundred grand lifted from his account by a team parking lot attendant, over the course of several years, and never noticed until it was pointed out to him by an advisor. reports:

Robert Von Ryan, 37, of Philadelphia, was charged with bank fraud. According to federal prosecutors, Von Ryan entered the vehicle of an Eagle identified as "T.H." From the car, he took documents that contained the player’s checking account number. [...]

Herremans told the Daily News that he learned of what happened when asked by an advisor about credit cards that he never actually owned. Using [Herremans' account] number, [Robert] Von Ryan transferred $225,034.52 from Herremans' UBS checking account to his own, U.S. Attorney Zane David Memeger said. The transfers occurred between 2009 and 2012.

You could argue that Von Ryan is one of the dumber criminals of all-time for leaving such an obvious paper trail instead of devising some sort of diversionary scheme, and you'd be right, but it does bear repeating that he got away with the scam for almost four years. So … nice work?
