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LISTEN: Sportswriter Fired For Smack-Talking Louisiana


Matthew Stevens really hated going to Louisiana to cover baseball for his (old) job as Mississippi State beat writer for the Commercial Dispatch in Columbus, Miss., an opinion he voiced last week on his radio show.

He was fired Monday morning, because his venom for Louisiana ran deep — too deep.

“If Obama wants to cut Louisiana from the union tomorrow, we are better off as people,” he said.

“I spent 90 minutes in my car driving around Lafayette and I didn’t come up with one neighborhood that I would find decent enough to stay and live,” he added in another gem.

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He twice said he wouldn't go as far as to call the people sub-human. And he said he liked the food while he was there. So, you know... that's something.

The newspaper issued an apology and Stevens was contrite after the incident after the incident, but it wasn't enough to save his job. It's a good thing the same people aren't in charge of Charles Barkley's job.

Clearly Stevens has never watched True Detective, or he would have known not to mess with Louisiana in the first place.


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