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Tom Brady’s Deflategate suspension inspires more raunchy headlines

The New York tabloid papers had some fun with Tom Brady’s suspension being reinstated

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One of the more entertaining subplots of the Deflategate scandal has been the race between the New York tabloids to see who can come up with the most ridiculous ball-related headline every time a new piece of news breaks.

With Monday’s big announcement that Brady’s suspension was reinstated the papers had another crack at some headlines mocking the New England quarterback and they did not pass up on the opportunity.

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The New York Daily News went for the low hanging fruit with another “ball” pun.

The New York Post took a slightly higher road, calling the four-time Super Bowl winner a “con” and pointing out that he is reaping large financial rewards despite the suspension.

Brady and the NFLPA can request his trial be reheard by the three judge panel again, apply for a hearing in front of all 13 judges of the Second Circuit court of appeals or try to take the case to the Supreme Court, although Sports Illustrated’s Michael McCann explains his chances for success are slim in all three cases.

– Brendan Maloy