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Ariana Grande Nails Bobby Boucher Impression in ‘Waterboy’ Recreation

Adam Sandler may be a Serious Actor now after his critically acclaimed performance in Uncut Gems, but his early comedic roles still hold a special place in many peoples’ hearts—like Ariana Grande’s. 

Grande has spent the past week portraying Sandler’s Bobby Boucher character from The Waterboy in videos on social media, and really committing to the bit. 

It started Saturday when Grande enlisted the help of actress Elizabeth Gillies and her childhood friend Aaron Simon Gross, also an actor, to lip-sync along to a scene from the film. The video was short, the lip-syncing sub-par but Sandler himself approved of the effort. 

Grande upped the ante Wednesday, though. She reprised her role as Bobby and recruited her own mother to play Bobby’s mom. Gillies, after a costume change, played Fairuza Balk’s Vicki Vallencourt. 

They must have done multiple takes because this time the scene came together flawlessly. 

If she’s stuck inside long enough, Grande might as well recreate the whole film.