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Police Address Terrell Owens’s Heated Argument With Neighbor

Pro Football Hall of Fame wide receiver Terrell Owens will not face charges after a dispute between Owens and a neighbor near his Broward County, Fla., home led to a police response on Wednesday.

A female neighbor of Owens reportedly yelled at the former wide receiver and said he was speeding as he approached his mailbox.

When police arrived on the scene, the woman said Owens nearly ran her over as he was speeding toward his house. Owens denied speeding.

The dispute made waves on social media after Owens posted a video to Instagram explaining his account of the situation, the woman’s account of the situation, and the intervening police officer who was on the scene and attending to the matter.

When Owens denied the woman’s account of the altercation to police, the woman exclaimed, “You’re a Black man approaching a white woman!”

Owens panned the camera back to himself in the Instagram video and said, “There’s Karen; this is unbelievable. I’ve never been part of nothing like this. I’ve seen it, but this is first-hand. Before they got here, it was ‘f--- you this, f--- you that.’ The police show up, the tears start flowing.”

After the conclusion of the video, police reportedly left the scene, and it appears neither Owens nor the neighbor will be charged with a crime.

“The parties were separated, and the situation resolved,” the Broward County Sheriff’s Office said of the situation, per TMZ