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Could Michael Jordan 'Be Like Mike' Today?

Could Michael Jordan 'Be Like Mike' in today's day and age?

It's a worthy question. As while MJ felt like a real life superhero when I was growing up, recent episodes of The Last Dance highlighted some aspects of his legacy that might not have played so well in the current media climate. So would Brand Jordan still take flight now? 

No: In Jordan's heyday his biggest critic was probably the newspaper columnist. And still, one could see in The Last Dance that the pressure got to him. Now imagine it amplified exponentially. The 24/7 news cycle along with social media wouldn't have let him breathe, much less take trips to Atlantic City. Also, selling shoes while avoiding sharing his personal views would have been much more difficult. Not to mention some of the skirmishes he had in private with teammates would have become far more public.

Yes: Winning cures all. And there was something about Jordan's game and persona that was just so charismatic. Sure, things would have been different, but MJ is still a global brand at this very second and everyone knows nearly everything about him now. That doesn't stop anyone from rocking their Air Jordans with pride. Michael would simply have had to make some adjustments akin to switching hands in flight for a layup. 

Honestly, it would be fascinating to see Michael Jordan deal with debate shows and social media. But as they say, when there is a will, there is a way. And we know about MJ's legendary will

I actually think dealing with modern NBA wings would be a bigger challenge. But like with any put in front of him, I'm sure "His Airness" would be up for it. As like was once said about life in Jurassic Park, greatness finds a way.