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The Houston Astros Still Cheated, Don't Forget: Unchecked

Remember the Houston Astros? They still cheated. Jimmy Kimmel didn’t forget.

The AsteriskTour twitter account certainly didn’t. The Astros version of Opening Day at Home must have set a record for use of the word bang. (Lots of whistles in there too.)

And you shouldn't forget either. 

I realize all of this is ultimately meaningless and many simply missed the feeling of warmth that comes with opening day. Not something that really goes well with a quarantine. Though I suppose there is a whole new meaning to being safe at home now. One thing is for sure, I'll never call baseball boring or the NBA regular season meaningless again after this. Absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder.

Still, during the delay we’ve got to hold on to what makes us sports fans even without sports. And the Astros shouldn’t be able to wash their hands of the sign stealing scandal while we’re all washing ours.

I wasn’t looking forward to them being hit by pitches or anything but if MLB wasn’t going to discipline them, the next best thing is public shame. It works. Look how quickly the 76ers backtracked on cutting employee salaries after people kept posting owner Josh Harris’ net worth.

So just because enough time has passed for the usually clean shaven Yankees to actually grow beards while social distancing doesn’t mean this story should go away. As when there is a real opening day the Astros should be reminded what they did was trash.

I’ll bang to that.