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Thom Brennaman Appears to Use Anti-LGBTQ Slur on Air

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The Cincinnati Reds play-by-play announcer Thom Brennaman was caught on a hot mic using an Anti-LGBTQ slur during Wednesday's Reds doubleheader vs. the Royals.

According to the Associated Press, the incident in question appeared to occur as the Fox Sports Ohio broadcast returned from a commercial break before the top of the 7th inning in the first game.

Brennaman remained on air for the second game and offered an apology for his comments during the top of the 5th inning.

Brennaman said, ” I made a comment earlier tonight that I guess went out over the air that I am deeply ashamed of, If I hurt anyone out there, I can't tell you how much I say from the bottom of my heart, I am very, very sorry.

Brennaman then left the broadcast and was replaced by Jim Day.