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Colts cheerleaders shave heads, support Chuck Pagano

Colts mascot Blue started the haircuts, before handing the buzzer off. (Darron Cummings/AP)


By Tom Mantzouranis

Earlier this month, Colts players shaved their heads in support of Chuck Pagano's battle with leukemia. On Sunday, a pair of cheerleaders did the same.

The bold move from Megan M. and Crystal B. came in response to Colts mascot Blue, who challenged any cheerleader to shave her head if they could raise $10,000 for leukemia research. The pair combined to raise $22,000, and in turn lost their locks during the Colts' game against the Bills. [si_launchNFLPopup video='6d94f5b2a87c4fc28b2e5725222979e0']Watch the video here[/si_launchNFLPopup].

It's only the latest effort from the Colts organization in their "ChuckStrong" movement, which as a whole has $250,000 so far.