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Tyreek Hill’s Bizarre Description of New Teammate Chase Claypool Left Fans Perplexed

Tyreek Hill and the Dolphins are welcoming a new teammate into the mix, following a trade which brought former Bears wide receiver Chase Claypool to Miami. But after Hill caught a glimpse of his new teammate, he opted to take a unique approach to describing Claypool.

Hill said Claypool “looks like a vending machine out there,” according to Palm Beach Post’s Joe Schad.

The comment almost immediately picked up steam on social media, specifically because no one had any idea exactly what Hill meant. Reactions poured in, providing arguably some of the wildest responses in recent memory.

As wild as the jokes were, we did receive a bit of clarity on the comment, as Daniel Oyefusi of the Miami Herald clarified that Hill also stated that Claypool “is a big dude.”

No harm, no foul—unless Hill had some additional thoughts behind his “vending machine” comment.