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Calgary Flames president Brian Burke's hair back in the spotlight

By Michael Blinn

Blustery Brian Burke is no stranger to controversy. Almost everything about him has been criticized, from his front office moves to his desire to never tie his ties. Even the man's haircut has been put under a public microscope.

It was no different on Wednesday night, when the follicular choices of the Flames president' were once again thrown to the hockey business's forefront:

Burke's 'do made news in December when his shaggy, unkempt look became a source of internet critique, and he chose not to mince his words when asked about his state of dishevelment: "If my hair is a subject, it’s a slow news day. And second, the fact I now know it aggravates people, I’m probably not going to get it cut.

The old man is probably getting a good laugh out of New York City at the moment, where his son Patrick, a director in the NHL's Department of Player Safety, caught wind of his father's current state of hair: