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Weird Al parodies every sports press conference cliché

Weird Al Yankovic is well known for his parodies of pop songs but he has turned his attention to a new target in his latest video, mocking the parade of cliches that is the postgame press conference

Weird Al Yankovic is well known for his parodies of pop songs but he has turned his attention to a new target in his latest video, mocking the parade of cliches that is the postgame press conference.

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Coaches, players and the media are all skewered in the clip, with reporters trying to rile up the players and misrepresent their quotes, while the stars and coaches do their best to coast by on platitudes.

The scene ends with Yankovic’s “Grizzled Coach” having a Lee Elia-worthy rant at the media, which feeds into a talking-heads sports debate show.

[The Kicker]