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How Are the Rockets Training During the NBA's Coronavirus Suspension?

The NBA's coronavirus suspension is a truly unprecedented time in the league's history, with seemingly no details on when (or how) the NBA will return from its indefinite hiatus

Some have made parallels between the current suspension and lockouts of years past, though other than missed games, the similarities are few and far between. At least teams and players could congregate and practice during previous lockouts. A return to play would arrive as soon as a deal was struck. But as the United States continues to battle COVID-19, any targeted return date is currently little more than wishful thinking. 

The suspension has created a slate of logistical hurdles for teams, who are attempting to keep their players in-shape and ready or game action. So how are the Rockets handling the coronavirus suspension. Rockets director of athletic performance Javair Gillett detailed Houston's training program on April 3.

"We’re pretty aggressive with our communication," Gillett told Bleacher Report's Howard Beck. "We have several tools in our toolbox that can help you as an athlete follow a program. Is it a daily communication where I send you videos? Let's do that. Is it the program or application we have to download the workouts? Then let's do that."

Most Rockets train outside their homes during the season and offseason, per Gillett. Yet just like millions of Americans who are now work next to their bedroom, kitchen, couch and family, Gillett noted the challenge players face in creating a workout environment at home.

"This is about mentality," Gillett told Beck. "What do you have in you mentally to make sure that you maintain focus and can push yourself past your comfort zone in your living room."

Gillett said he holds Zoom calls with certain players, tailoring a plan to each member of the Rockets. Though while each player may require a different cardio or resistance training plan, Gillett ultimately provides one key prescription to staying fit during the COVID-19 suspension.

"We're trying to create an environment that's as similar as what they're going to face on the court," Gillett said. "I'm urging guys to get in their driveways, get outside, get some Vitamin D, and get after it through fast interval training."