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Tom Brady Revives the TB Times After Latest Super Bowl Win

Tom Brady's Instagram comic series had been halted at the beginning of the regular season.

When everyone (read: no one, really) counted out Tom Brady and the New England Patriots, they went and won themselves a Super Bowl title. Now, for everyone doubting the state of the newspaper industry, Brady is looking to prove he can revive that, too.

On Tuesday, Brady posted a new edition of his Instagram comic series, the TB Times, featuring a giant crocodile clutching a Lombardi Trophy while stiff-arming a golden ram.

And with that, the six-time champion quarterback has shared his newspaper/comic/bizzare published content for the first time since September 2018, when he apparently decided to stop posting. As for why the series even began in the first place, there's been investigative work already done from the folks at SI and even that turned up mostly empty.

Perhaps this is something you can only do if you're arguably the greatest quarterback in NFL history—even if Brady isn't a fan of acknowledging it. Check back in September to see if Brady is still posting weird cartoons depicting foes he and New England have managed to vanquish against all the odds. And go buy a newspaper while you're at it, too.