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Slip-n-Sliding Nationals Fan Does Shirtless Chest Bump With Local Weatherman

In the celebrations that followed the Nationals’ first-ever World Series win, one man became an instant hero. 

One of the tens of thousands packed into Nationals Park in the pouring rain ripped his shirt off and glided on top of the dugout like a slip-n-slide. 

The video quickly went viral, with more than 5 million views on Twitter as of this writing. 

The man, since identified as 19-year-old Jason Turner, a student at George Mason University in Northern Virginia, has slid right into his new celebrity status. He was interviewed by The Washington Post and CNN, and on Friday appeared on Fox 5 in DC. Turner helped out with the weather forecast and then, of course, ripped his shirt in half to give the weatherman a chest bump.

Make the most of it, Jason. I hope you can make it to the parade on Saturday and bring a bunch of extra shirts to rip.