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Deuce McAllister, Partners Deliver 38,000 Bottles of Water for Jackson Residents

Saints legend delivers 38,000 bottles of water for the residents of Jackson, MS struggling with public water issues.

The New Orleans Saints legend Deuce McAllister delivered 38,000 bottles of water to Jackson, Mississippi residents with some help from familiar friends and partners.

The New Orleans Saints Hall of Famer still resides in Mississippi and has family in the Jackson area.  He felt the desire to support the affected people of Jackson after heavy rain and flooding crippled the city's water system at the end of August.  

Rouses, Landshark Companies, and the Saints immediately supported Deuce's cause with donations and transportation to get the water to Jackson. 

"Land Shark sent their trailer down to pick up the water. It was a group effort. The Saints wanted to get involved and help once I told them I was working with Rouses to procure the water and have it available. That's how it kind of came together," McAllister told Saints News Network. 

New Horizon Church in south Jackson and Anderson United Methodist Church on the city's north side are partnering with McAllister to provide storage and set up distribution sites. 

"The thing I like about partnering with them is that they work with other organizations and churches," Deuce McAllister shared. "They have the outreach and capacity to store the pallets of water on their grounds. I mean, that's huge. Particularly when you're talking about 19 or 20 pallets of water."

McAllister shared that the Jackson Boys and Girls Club will receive "four pallets of water." He confirmed the effort would collaborate with another organization that supports senior citizens, the infirmed, and people without transportation.

It was important for Deuce to rely on his relationships forged with the churches, Rouses, Landshark, and New Orleans Saints. Until the city completely restores its water system, McAllister will continue supporting the Jackson community.

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